Willemijn originated the role of Elphaba in the original German-language production of WICKED, which premiered in Stuttgart in 2007 and continued her run in Oberhausen until 2011. Willemijn was also thrilled to record the Original German Cast Recording of the show. Following the German production, Willemijn also performed the role in her home country and native language in the original Dutch production which premiered in Scheveningen at the end of 2011. In January 2013, seamlessly connecting her run in the Netherlands, Willemijn transferred to New York to make her Broadway debut and (if that wasn’t enough) that same year she moved to London to also make her West End debut. As part of the 10th Anniversary celebrations of the West End production of Wicked, Willemijn returned to Elphaba in 2017, performing the role for a limited six months contract. This makes her the only person to have performed the role of Elphaba in four countries in three different languages.
Ⓒ Photos by Matt Crockett
CountryGermany, The Netherlands, United States and United Kingdom Year2007-2017